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Travel of Battambong in Cambodia

Hello Every body today we go to travel at Battambong in Cambodia.
Battambang Province have people travel more per day to play.

Many of us will pick you up at time 7:30 am every day and start the tour which
has a ride on the well known bamboo train.
The bamboo train can be a 3. 6 m x 5 m raft like device that is made of bamboo
4 local villagers to transport their good.

There is only 1 track employed for both directions when your see someone coming
soon the other direction the drivers should decide which train contains the lightest load.
The train with all the lighter load or fewer passengers must unload their goods and people
and dismantle off the track to allow other train by.
It is a very unique and fun ride that you must experience while in Battambang!

Towards the end of the track we will visitor a stone factory where you can see
how bricks are created locally in Cambodian.
we will take identical bamboo ride back to the jeep.
Once we leave the bamboo radio station we will drive via some small villages for you to Watkoh village.
Watkoh village has been designated one of several three cultural villages to its numerous
ancient wooden houses and its natural and beautiful surroundings.
We will get to be able to visit one of the wooden houses the spot that the owner will explain
to us a brief history and traditions of their homes.
We will return to the hotel before lunchtime.


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