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Travel of Prey Veng Province

Hello All Friends in World today we go to travel at Prey Veng Province in Cambodia.
Prey Veng City have people to travel more 10,000 per day and mart and shopping more.

Most of us will open for you coming from you lodge or guesthouse.
Via small roads and village we may drive very first to Svay Antor.
This can be a oldest difficult in Cambodia, dating on the 10th as well as 15th millennium,
and is usually beautifully located in the woodlands of Prey Veng. A 1h and 30 minutes
drive requires you towards temples, where many of us rent some sort of bike on thelocal occupants.
You may visit your three main temples. Ride your narrow pathways over the forest and a brow,
completely overgrown, Finally, we’ll look at the Isanborie Craftshut.

We could have lunch using a local spouse and children not far away from the want.
Then many of us will travel to Svay Antor and in some sort of sculptor’s village.
The occupants make very impressive sculptures, sometimes as huge as 10 meters.
You can admire the number of detail interested in this work.
The many beautiful way is to take your stairs uphill. Can you count your stairs for individuals?
We think its 900 steps. This hill is a superb archeological value in Prey Veng using a
“Reclining Buddha” statue on the top where you possibly can enjoy your stunning see.
Afterwards, inside late morning we travel you to your accommodation.


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